After 35 + years suffering from Eczema and skin disorders, multiple courses of gut killing antibiotics, countless dead ends with GP’s and so-called skin specialists (who simply told me to put up with my conditions) I was at the end of my patience and tolerance.
I had tried to find answers on the internet for nearly 3 years, visited skin clinics and researched information on health, food and the gut in over 300 hours of podcasts. even after all that, my skin was dry, I left blood on my sheets at night, I couldn’t wear certain clothes, and always had a massive complex about it being noticed. In the end, my eczema had moved to my forehead and hands and was there to stay, this for me was a non-negotiable item and i needed to get it done once and for all.
I thought I was getting close to figuring it out for myself with stopping some foods here and there, trying to understand FODMAPS, dairy-free, nuts, coffee etc etc, but looking back now I was under-gunned and nowhere close to fixing it.
I finally sought out some help and Linda popped up in my local area. I approached her for some advice and what I got back was life-changing.
Linda was able to provide me with sound guidance, information and care. A great combination! It was clear from the start that Linda cared and is deeply driven to help people just like me and i was in great hands.
Linda listened to me, gathered evidence-based information and mapped out the plan for me to control myself and my skin. I was able to own the outcomes and not look to blame others, get more frustrated and wander along hoping some miracle would happen to solve my skin issues.
My part in this epic (and this is important to anyone reading) was to do as I was asked to do. I say this with much love to anyone looking to help themselves, but I stuck hard and fast to what I learned from Linda and it paid off tenfold.
Over a period of approx 2 months, everything got much MUCH better. My skin was healing each week and I was feeling even better than ever! The horrible parts of my eczema were getting less and less and since following MY tailored suggested food list for 4 + months now I couldn’t be healthier or happier. My forehead cleared up completely and has not returned, my hands are almost back to normal and way more resilient, and overall my skin has stopped being dry, itchy and stays on my body rather than on everything else. I am on my way to a much better life.
I have recommended several people towards Linda as her service is that good. I think it even lends itself to general health and not just skin issues.
I have learned that each of us is a custom body, and there is NO generic way to treat your own issues. If you want evidence, information and a path to health, seek out Linda right now. Please though, remember your role in this, you need to own your choices and accept those outcomes.
With Linda’s excellent guidance, you will be back in control, feel amazing, off antibiotics and in a matter of months passing on your story to others. You will stop itching, cease being self-conscious and start living a better life.
Thank you so much Linda, I couldn’t be happier with the outcome.
Malcolm Duckett
Mt Martha