Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) 200mL


Black cohosh is traditionally used for:

  • Powerful relaxant and normaliser of the female reproductive system
  • Beneficial in delayed or painful mensuration
  • Ovarian cramps or cramping pain
  • Rheumatic pains/rheumatic arthritis
  • Osteo arthritis
  • Muscular and neurological pain
  • Whopping cough
  • Tinnitus
  • Aids uterine activity in labour


Actions: Emmenagogue, anti-spasmodic, alterative, sedative.


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Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) 200mL Liquid Herbal Tincture

Additional information


Resin, bitter glycosides, ranunculin (which changes to anemonin upon drying), salicylic acid, tannin, oestrogenic principle.

Directions for use:

Adults: 7.5 mLs 2 x day with food or after food

Children (6-12 years): 1 x day with or after food

*Not to be used in children under 5 years of age