Do you get cold sores? No need to feel ashamed – you’re not alone!
In fact, research suggests that 67% of people ages 0 to 49 around the world carry Herpes simplex 1 virus (HSV-1), the primary cause of cold sores. There are natural ways to minimize symptoms and hasten healing time. So, if you’re looking to kiss that cold sore goodbye, read on! You’ll be ready to pucker up for date night in no time.
What is a Cold Sore?
Cold sores most commonly present around the mouth or on the lips, in the form of a single blister or a cluster of blisters. They can appear at other locations on the body, with people known to have had cold sores up their nose, on fingers, in their eyes or even in the genital area. This doesn’t mean genital herpes, though, as cold sores and genital herpes are caused by 2 different strains of the Herpes simplex virus.
Signs and Symptoms of a Cold Sore
You may be wondering how to tell if that is a pimple coming up on your lip, or if you are indeed one of the 67% of people that suffer with the symptomatic herpes simplex 1 virus. Below are some of the tell-tale signs you may be experiencing, or have experienced a cold sore flare –
- Tingling or prickling sensation in the skin around the lips, chin or could be anywhere on the face along a nerve
- Blistering and pain
- Oozing fluid
- Crusting
Some people will get a cold sore outbreak within a few days of exposure to HSV-1; other people carry the virus but never have symptoms.
A cold sore can last two to four weeks from the time you have early symptoms to when the sore is completely healed. However, if you treat it naturopathically within the first day, it should resolve within 2 days.
During your first cold sore outbreak, you may also have flu-like symptoms like:
- Mild fever
- Headache
- Muscle aches
- Sore throat and swollen lymph nodes
- Difficulty swallowing
- Fatigue
What Causes Cold Sores?
There are 2 types of the herpes virus, being herpes simplex 1 and herpes simplex 2. Cold sores are caused by the HSV-1 virus, while genital herpes is caused by the HSV-2 strain. Both are highly contagious and can be spread very easily. You can be exposed to the virus through physical contact with an infected person, such as:
- Intimate contact
- Kissing
- Sharing food or drinks
- Sharing items like lip balm, razors, or towels
Now, that doesn’t sound like a great thing to be sharing on date night, does it?!
Good news is, it doesn’t have to be a problem for long (if at all) when caught on time!
Cold Sore Fast Elimination!
As mentioned above, if natural interventions are administered within the first day of noticing the signs and symptoms of a cold sore flare (the prickly tingle that presents in the area where your cold sores appear) then you have a good chance that a blister won’t even have a chance to pop up. But you must act fast! The more proactive you are to get the correct vitamins and antiviral herbs into your system, the quicker your body can kill of the virus and prevent the painful sores from forming.
Here are 3 herbal treatments I recommend that will not only be effective at treating a cold sore but also prevent flare-ups.
- My Antiviral Antiparasitic Herbal Tincture – contains herbs that target and kill viruses (such as the herpes virus)

2. Viraclear – a Metagenics herbal supplement (Practitioner-only) for the relief of cold sore symptoms and sore and painful, minor skin lesions. This contains key vitamins such as Astragalus, Lysine, Vitamin C and Zinc (which we will go into more detail soon).

3. Natural Cold Sore Relief Oil – a topical, external treatment safe to use by the whole family, this soothing treatment can be applied directly to cold sores to provide symptomatic relief from the discomfort and pain.

Skin Naturopath Linda Parker ND can perform a Herpes Simplex Virus I & 2 (HSV) test if you are unclear on whether you are someone who suffers from the HSV virus. If you have already been diagnosed with HSV-1, I would recommend taking the Antiviral/Antiparasitic Herbal Liquid Tincture, with the Viraclear 2 tablets twice a day and apply the oil topically as often as needed.
What’s So Special About These Vitamins & Herbs?
Astragalus membranaceus root is used in traditional Chinese medicine to stimulate the immune system and for skin sores, much like those caused by HSV-1. It has a long list of health benefits, but importantly raises vitality, promotes healing and tissue regeneration, as well as having antihypertensive, antibiotic, analgesic and sedative properties. It is recommended for prevention of infection, impaired immunity, chronic bacterial or viral infections.
Lysine is an essential amino acid found mostly in meat, but with small amounts also found in eggs, beans and dairy products. It has antiviral activity along with other health benefits. Due to dietary restrictions, some may find they need more of this amino acid to help supress the cold sore virus from flaring.
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is required for a range of things, like immune system support along with the synthesis of collagen, carnitine and neurotransmitters. It is an important antioxidant which helps to eliminate free radicals and give a boost to your white blood cells, which naturally help fight off infections. Vitamin C is also an immunostimulant and antihistamine! Humans are one of the few mammal species that cannot synthesise ascorbic acid, so it is an essential vitamin.
Zinc is an essential trace mineral that has a growing body of scientific evidence showing benefits for boosting immunity, strengthening the healing process and providing antioxidant support. Zinc is involved as the active centre in approximately 300 enzymes. Zinc contributes to a range of body functions, but importantly is a component of the antioxidant defence network. This doesn’t directly affect cold sores, but by supporting your immune functions it helps your body naturally fight the virus when an outbreak occurs.
Natural Solutions for Cold Sores
Now we have covered supplementation for treating cold sores, let’s have a look at some natural solutions to help lessen the duration and effects of the virus.
Firstly, you can use a hot compress along with the Cold Sore Oil (above) to reduce pain and irritation during a cold sore outbreak. Viruses don’t like heat! Apply a warm salt rinsed, damp towel to the sore – (not an ice pack). Do the compresses a few times each day for five to 10 minutes at a time. Keep the oils covering the cold sore at all times.
Do not put makeup over the cold sore! Covering the blister with anything other than what’s recommended above can irritate and even worsen the symptoms.
Avoid eating and drinking acidic foods like sugar, citrus, tomatoes, coffee and alcohol as these things are all inflammatory (especially mid outbreak)
Avoid all nuts as they are high in arginine, an amino acid that encourages the growth of the herpes virus so best avoided at this time.
Avoid chocolate for the same reason *arginine*.
Relax, rest, sleep to bring the stress levels down as stress is known to set off an outbreak and worsen the HSV virus…. especially emotional stress!
So, while you may not be able to completely avoid cold sores, there are many things that you can do proactively to help reduce their occurrence – like keeping the 3 recommended supplements (above) in your tool kit so you aren’t caught off guard. And if they do show up, don’t worry – we’ve shared some great tips for how to deal with them naturally. Keep your immune system strong and armed with the right supplements and herbs so you can fight off those pesky cold sores before they start!