Homemade natural remedies for cracked heels

D.I.Y. Homemade cracked Heel Remedy – Heal the Heel!

Homemade cracked Heel Remedy

There’s nothing worse than when you are being ‘intimate’ with someone, they have scratchy cracked heels that rub on your legs!! It could actually kill the romance. But most of all, can be quite painful, end up bleeding if severe and are an ugly sight, especially in women in summer when your feet are exposed.

Here are some of the Causes of cracked heels

  • Deficiency in Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Fungal infections eg tinea
  • A diet that is low in fresh food and high in sugar and chemical processed foods
  • Walking around barefoot too often
  • Dehydration

Is very important to keep your feet moisturized on a regular basis, and there are a number of natural remedies for treating the cracked heels. As I show you in the following DIY:

DIY: 7 steps to treat the cracked heels with natural home-made remedies

  1. Using a wide, large nail board or natural pumice stone, rub and exfoliate coarsely all the dry cracked skin (whilst the feet are clean and dry). Continue until the skin becomes smooth.
  2. Give yourself a foot bath for ½ hour consisting of: Warm soapy water, 3 drops of eucalyptus oil, ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar, ¼ cup of bicarb of soda, ¼ cup of Epson salts, 3 drops of rose oil.
  3. Pat dry
  4. Massage into your feet and heels coconut oil (from the supermarket), along with another 2 drops of rose oil and 2 drops of peppermint essential oil.
  5. Massage the feet, legs and heels after every shower or bath with coconut oil
    Wear soft, well supported shoes and cotton socks not nylon (avoid your feet from sweating)
  6. Have a reflexology treatment once a month until the circulation in the feet has returned fully.You should see improvements in the skin of the heels within a few weeks. Your heels will become smoother and sexier all from doing it yourself in the comfort of your home.

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