Who wants a massage? Ask that question to a group of people and you’ll see virtually every hand go up!. That’s why I decided to give you my simple homemade Massage Oil recipe with all natural ingredients.

Massage is one of the easiest ways of maintaining good health. It’s also one of the oldest forms of medical treatment and has been used throughout history by all cultures.

Ancient Egyptian, Indian and Chinese manuscripts refer to the use of massage to prevent and cure diseases and to heal injuries.

It’s a healing instinct innate in animals and people to rub, massage or stroke an area of your own body when you have pain.

Headaches, sore necks, backs, feet and shoulders, along with stress and tension, can all be alleviated with a simple tool – “the hands”.

It is natural for mothers to cuddle and rock their babies. We stroke and cuddle our dogs, cats and horses etc, because we have an instinct to touch and acknowledge what we see and give healing to those in need. Massage is the perfect way to touch a body in a non-aggressive non-sexual way.

Patients recover far more quickly and need fewer drugs after having their hands held just for 5 minutes, so imagine how effective massage could be to the millions of hospitalised patients craving the healing touch.

Benefits of Massage

So let’s get started and make our own Homemade Massage Oil.


  1. 200 ml of either almond oil / grapeseed oil / or avocado oil (you can purchase these from your local supermarket – then refrigerate after making up a glass Jar)
  2. Then add 1 – 3 drops of my top 5 essential oils: (however you can use what you like the smell of)

As Molly Meldrum would say…”do yourself a favour”… go get a massage or give a massage today. You know you’ll love it!

Also Read: D.I.Y – Natural First Aid Kit to have on hand