Aussie Mango & Mint Lassi Recipe for better skin

A Lassi is a traditional Indian drink made with yoghurt and spices, however, I’m making an ‘Australianfied’ Mango and Mint Lassi, using only Organic Australian ingredients. Also, rather than using dairy we’ll use coconut milk instead!

M a n g o e s   f r o m   Q u e e n s l a n d   a r e   i n   s e a s o n…a n d   o u t   i n  f o r c e!

So let’s take advantage of them in this delicious and refreshing Mango and Mint lassi drink which is great in summer or anytime really.


Health Benefits of Mangoes

  • Alleviate depression and anxiety.
  • Rich in beta carotene, they help support the skin and eyes.
  • Helps prevent some forms of skin cancers (eat 2 a day)..
  • Assists and balances blood sugar levels, great for hypoglycaemia and prediabetes.
  • Full of magnesium and phytochemicals that calm the nervous system.
  • Acts as a relaxant to the gut and soothes an acidic stomach (excellent for crohns).
  • The perfect food to exercise with, minimalising lactic acid excess and damage.
  • Perfect food before bed to help with insomnia as it contains glutamine, cysteine and other amino acids that combine with fructose and glucose that gets across the ‘blood brain barrier’ to support the brain and restore depleted neurotransmitters that may be overactive.

Spiritual Benefits of eating Mangoes

  • If eaten before a meditation, you will be able to resolve issues faster and gain clarity of a situation.
  • They open us up to opportunities and joyful experiences

Ingredients (makes 1 serve)

  • 2 cups of chopped fresh or frozen organic Australian mango
  • ½ cup of organic coconut milk
  • 2 mint leaves
  • ¼ cup frozen organic banana
  • Pinch of ground cumin powder (cumin aids digestion and clears the skin)
  • 1 tspn organic honey (if required)


  1. Place all the above ingredients into a blender and blend until it’s smooth.
  2. Decorate with a few sprigs of mint on top and a wedge of mango.
  3. Drink and enjoy!

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