Detox Herbal Tincture 500 mL



Detox made simple with a Detox Herbal Tincture. 

The herbal approach to detoxification is based upon the perception that the human body is a self-healing and homeostatic organism, and that the therapist simply has to support normal processes.

Using simple and safe herbs detoxification is supporting this natural process of elimination.

The following herbs are used for the holistic action of whole body detoxification:

  • Laxative for the digestive system and colon
  • Diuretic for the kidneys and urinary system
  • Hepatic, alterative for the liver and blood
  • Lymphatics for the lymph system
  • Diaphoretic, alternatives for the skin
  • Expectorants, anticatarrhal for the respiratory system


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Detox Liquid Herbal Tincture 500 mL

Additional information




Adults: 7.5mLs in a small amount of water or juice 2 x day after meals.

Children (14 – 18 years): 2.5mLs in a small amount of water or juice 1 x day.


Rumex crispus
Senna alexandrina
Mentha x piperita
Ulmus rubra
Berberis vulgaris
Apium graveolens
Cistus incanus
Tinospora cordifolia
Aloe ferox
Galium aparine
Filipendula ulmaria
Licorice, Fennel, Citrus