EE Medallion: Tigers Eye Crystal (Enhanced with EES Scalar Wave Technology)



Golden Tigers Eye Metaphysical Properties

Tiger Eye is a protective stone that can also be lucky for the wearer. It has the ability to bring the mind into focus, fostering mental clarity and enabling us to address issues without being influenced by our emotions. Very beneficial for overcoming fear and anxiety and curing psychosomatic disorders. Helpful for understanding one’s own needs in relation to others’ needs. Tiger Eye stabilizes mood swings, gives us willpower, purpose, courage, and self-confidence, reduces tension, and balances yin-yang while energizing the emotional body. Tiger eye eliminates toxins, soothes pain, heals the eyes, throat, and reproductive organs, strengthens the spine’s alignment, treats broken bones, and benefits the eyes, throat, and reproductive organs.

Our EE Medallions are accompanied by a black cord, that sits comfortably around the neck and can be adjusted to be short or long.

Wear it to work, uni, school, socially or anywhere you need an extra boost of positive healing energy!

If you are going to wear jewellery, why not wear jewellery that has health benefits for your mind and body!

Please note: Natural stones may vary in colour and appearance from those pictured.

Although the EES charge lasts indefinitely, the medallions, being made of natural stone, can break or chip if dropped.

You’re welcome to wear the EE Medallion on a chain or cord of your choice. 

EES Hypercharger Study – January 2025


Golden Tiger Eye Crystal EE Medallion, Enhanced with EES Scalar Wave Technology from USA.

Our exclusive process embeds a hyper-charge of dense, intentional, and superconductive scalar effects into our medallions, bracelets, and other products. This creates a focused and intense field that amplifies the self-regenerating scalar field effects, which have been lab-proven to enhance DNA and cellular integrity and function.

By integrating our technology into these wearables, you carry a compact bioactive field that interacts with and enhances your biomolecular field. This results in a range of potential benefits, including:

  • Improved overall vitality
  • Reduced blood chylomicron levels and triglycerides
  • Enhanced immune capacity
  • Sharpened mental concentration and increased EEG frequencies
  • Heightened focus and concentration
  • Boosted cellular hydration and reduced inflammation
  • Relief from headaches, body aches, and arthritis
  • Delayed aging process and prevention of red cell clumping
  • Strengthened DNA protection


Embrace the power of EES scalar wave technology with the EE Golden Tiger Eye Medallion and experience the harmony of natural stones and cutting-edge science to promote your wellness.