Natural Health Blog

Antiviral Herbs Attack Covid
I just thought I would update you with a little story… I went to dinner with five others a few weeks ago. The next day

So Long, Chlorine! How to Keep Your Skin Happy This Summer with a Magnesium Mineral Pool 💦
Discover magnesium mineral pool benefits and why chlorine can cause eczema

A Pucker-Up Guide to Treating Cold Sores
Cold sores (Herpes Simplex 1) is a viral infection that can be treated quickly using Naturopathy.
Jock Itch? We Have the Answer!
Jock itch can be experienced by men of all ages, at different times in their lives. It is a fungal infection in the skin and most commonly treated by anti fungal creams. This article gives the natural treatments available that carry no side effects and treat the fungal infection quickly so it does not return.

Bali Belly, Delhi Belly – Get your Gut Back on Track after the holidays!
Coming back from a holiday with a sore gut as your souvenir is never fun. From Bali to Delhi, infections that cause traveller’s diarrhoea can

Eczema – What to Do When You Need Relief!
Nothing gets under your skin quite like the relentless irritation of eczema. With it’s hallmark feature of itchy and inflamed red patches, this common condition