Natural Health Blog

12 Yrs of Severe Acne
ACNE CLEANSE & TONE HERBAL 2-in-1 “I have struggled for 12 years with severe acne and used every product under the sun, seen Dermatologists, Doctors,

Are Your Amalgam (Silver) Fillings Toxic?
Here is How to Find Out + How to (Safely) Remove Them “Dental amalgam” is a term you may have come across if you’ve

The Healthiest Civilisations in the World are Pescetarian – Here is Why
Above Photo by Francesco Solfrini Chances are, you’ve probably heard of the Blue Zones. These are five regions (Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Nicoya, Costa Rica;
Rosacea and Eye Trouble
I have been using the Rosacea cream and the Ylang Ylang cream for 2 weeks. A few days ago I looked at my reflection in

Let’s be Candid about Candida
The First Step to Candida-Free Skin In my practice, I see many people with Candida issues. It’s women of all ages, suffering from itchiness

Want to Sleep Well? Let Melatonin and Cortisol Dance!
Some of you might think: “Oh no… not another blog post about sleep!” But this is not another wishy-washy post about the importance of sleep