skin naturopath Sunshine Coast dermatology


‘Never give up, for that is just the time and place that the tide will turn.’


Skin Naturopath on the Sunshine Coast Linda Parker ND, DRM, DipNut, DipHom, DipBot Med shares her 20 yrs experience to guide her patients to achieve healthy, clear skin.

Founding 5 Natural Therapy Clinics between Sydney and Melbourne, Linda has just recently moved her practice from the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria to Montville on the Sunshine Coast hinterland in Queensland. She also consults via Zoom to accomodate regional, interstate and overseas clients.

A thorough researcher Linda uses evidence based knowledge through a variety of functional and mainstream testing, before diagnosing and treating. Her main focus is on dermatological conditions as well as immune and hormonal conditions.

Treatments consist of a variety of holistic skills including Herbal Medicine Extracts and creams, nutritional and lifestyle plans, allergy testing, functional testing, iridology, meditation, counselling, Ear Candling and Reiki.


womans day newspapers magazines

Over the years, Linda has written regularly for various Australian Magazines and Newspapers with her own Health Columns. 

Linda has been a guest on Radio RPP (Mornington Peninsula) and joined the team at Radio MTR 1377AM Melbourne with her health Talk Back show on Tuesday nights where people would call in for advice on different health issues.

Customised Creams & Liquid Herbal Extracts

In her Practice, Linda personalises herbal extracts, and skin therapy creams for her patients, addressing different types of skin issues eg Eczema, Rosacea, Acne, Candida, Shingles, Alopecia and infections.

She also focuses on the Nervous and Immune Systems along with Gut Health and their inter-connectedness within the individual.


Growing up in Sydney, Linda suffered from severe allergies, alopecia, asthma, eczema, urticaria and chronic fatigue syndrome. She visited many allergists and dermatologists but their ongoing prescriptions of cortico-steroids, the pill, antihistamines and antibiotics caused a plethora of toxic side effects and never resulted in a cure… instead caused her skin to be worse!

It seemed there was no light at the end of the tunnel!

This ignited her interest in natural medicine. She qualified as a Naturopath, Homoeopath, Iridologist, Nutritionist, Remedial Massage Therapist, Lymphatic Drainage Specialist, Reiki Practitioner and Medical Herbalist.

Linda researched and discovered the cause of her own skin issues then completely healed herself …(after being told by multiple Dermatologists and doctors that her skin rashes were ‘untreatable’ and she would have to live forever with these conditions and continue on their drugs!).

After winning a Scholarship and full Botanical Dispensary (from Mediherb), she established her first medical clinic in Sydney CBD (Macquarie Naturopathic Clinic). Starting as a general natural practitioner and ending up specializing in treating all types of gut and skin diseases along with a focus on women’s hormone health and the immune system.

The clinic was located opposite Parliament House and Sydney Hospital, and so Linda would regularly treat Barristers, QC Judges, along with hospital staff and stressed city workers. Linda also sat in on many medical debates at Parliament House on the viability and side effects of vaccines.

After moving to Melbourne, she opened a second and third clinic called Melbourne Natural Wellness Clinic (in Collins Street Melbourne). Linda continued writing for magazines and newspapers for many years on a wide range of topics treating health disorders using natural treatments. She conducted workshops and spoke regularly on radio. She even treats celebrities.

Linda painstakingly researches every individual case, medication, and history and prepares an easy to follow treatment plan. She outlines any additional tests that she may need to clarify the cause and goes about focusing on the end goal of total health.



  • Adv Dip. Naturopathy, Dip Homeopathy, Dip Nutrition, Dip Remedial Massage, Dip Botanical Medicine, Reiki Master.
  • Graduated in 1996 from Nature Care College in Sydney Australia.
  • Awarded with the “Most Outstanding Student of Botanical Medicine”
  • Won a Scholarship Herbal Medicine full dispensary by Sponsor Mediherb.
  • Published Writer: “The Skin Program” How To Treat Your Skin Problems, Naturally, in 8 Easy Steps. (Published by Melbourne Books).
  • Owned and operated four (multi-disciplinary) clinics in Sydney and Melbourne.
  • Feature writer for magazines and newspapers: New Idea, Woman’s Day, Qantas, The Telegraph, The Australian, The Melbourne Weekly and others.
  • Regular contributor to local radio talk-back in Sydney.
  • Regular in-house Naturopath for Radio MTR in Richmond Melbourne.
  • Guest speaker on Radio Mornington Peninsula.
  • Public speaker across Melbourne on natural health treatments.
  • Completed Tony Robbins Courses: Unleash the Power Within, Life Mastery, Wealth Mastery, Date with Destiny Courses
  • Completed “The Journey” with Brandon Bays.
  • Awarded Top 50 Online Artists Worldwide by “The Saatchi Gallery”
dermatologist Mornington melbourne

Things You Might Not Know:

Linda experienced skin conditions for over 14 years and now they are no longer part of her life. (This was over 20 years ago).
Your skin ailment can be a thing of the past too!
No matter what you may have been told from the Dermatologist!
Most of our clients don’t like the thought of taking more pills and lotions, especially on-going cortisone ointments, the oral contraceptive, roaccutane or antibiotics or the ‘band-aid’ antihistamines. These all carry side effects.
Are you worried that if you come off a drug that your skin could flare up even worse than ever?
You don’t need to stay down that rabbit hole. 
Do something positive today and look forward to a bright future with glowing skin.

Are you ready to  invest in your health?

  • Ready to find the CAUSE? Ready to find the SOLUTION?
  • Do you feel you could be allergic to something but not sure what?
  • Do you suspect a past viral, candida or parasitic infection?
  • Are you looking for structure, guidance, good communication and an easy to follow plan that fits into your lifestyle – that’s natural?
  • Do you prefer herbal medicines and vitamins over prescription drugs that often come with side effects?
  • Are you ready to stick to a plan?

What to Expect

  1. Find the answers to the puzzle of your skin so we can treat it holistically
  2. 25 years experience in Natural Therapies Clinics treating thousands of patients
  3. Personalised treatment plan 
  4. Confidentiality – often family members and friends refer….what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!
  5. Educate: I will talk at length as to why/how/when we do things and teach you what’s going on with your body systems
  6. Spend quality time with you and listen! Linda will respect your time, and always be on time!
  7. Receive customised functional/environmental/allergy pathology tests, health and psychology screening assessments, followed by natural treatments of herbal medicine, nutrition, and lifestyle changes
  8. Exposure to the Energy Enhancement System for sessions and hyper charging of creams and supplements
  9. Full body hair / BP / urine /skin / nail / tongue / iris diagnosis plus more in clinic testing

Linda uses individual tailor-made herbal creams and liquid extracts, diet and lifestyle changes, vitamins and minerals, meditation, hair testing, functional lab testing, tongue and nail analysis and iridology.

Chronic allergies, PCOS, cystic acne and eczema may also be found associated with Crohns Disease, Leaky Gut, hormone imbalance and stress.

An initial appointment may take up to 1.5 hours (+ 1.5 hrs behind the scenes research) in which your medical history, stress and general lifestyle will be reviewed in order to determine a naturopathic treatment plan suited to your individual need.

Diagnostic procedures such as physical exams, blood, saliva and urine analysis may be required in order to establish a diagnosis and health-promoting program.

Naturopathy is suitable for everyone, from babies to the elderly.