Rosacea Symptoms

What are the Symptoms of Rosacea on the face?

Symptoms of Rosacea

Having a red face can be quite embarrassing, especially when you don’t feel embarrassed!

It could be that you’re experiencing a skin condition called Rosacea. Not everyone have all of the symptoms below, in fact, you may get only a few. However big Rosacea sufferers, will have many of the following symptoms:

  • Red flushing of the face, cheeks, forehead and chin
  • Butterfly pattern across the cheeks (quite distinctive)
  • Rosacea affects the nose, cheeks and chin (predominantly) but flushing may extend down to the neck with some women
  • Oiliness of the skin with sebum and pus
  • Acne in places, especially around the T-zone
  • Pustules of the skin, nobly bits on the skin
  • Burst capillaries (especially seen in men) however, women in extreme cases can also suffer from burst capillaries
  • Heat produced from the face (sometimes blushing), hot to touch!
  • Sometimes the oiliness is also associated with dry, patchy areas
  • Lumpy swellings over nose “potato nose”
  • Bloodshot, burning or itchy eyes

On my book, “The Skin Program” you´ll find all the advice and knowledge you’ll need to help you get rid of the rosacea on the face for good, naturally. It will guide you along 8 steps to follow and you’ll see your skin start to improve day by day.

Tip: Don’t put up with Rosacea, if you are experiencing Symptoms of rosacea, I would not recommend synthetic drug medications which can cause even more side effects. Stick to what is natural and your body will respond well. You’ll also find you have more energy and can go out again in public with beautiful smooth, clear skin on your face, without the redness.

You can also read: Top 5 Triggers for Rosacea in Women

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