My Top 7 Tips to Boost Energy


Are you tired ALL the time?….
or just struggle to get through the day?.
Do you desperately need to boost your energy?

Well, try these Top 7 Ways to get “All-Day-Energy” to help improve your vitality and overall stamina!

1) Power Breathing – 5 minutes first thing in the morning – then 2 x more during the day. (see the exercises in “The Skin Program”.)

2) Meditation – 10 minutes each morning and 10 minutes each night.

3) Energy Boost Juice after lunch – 1 Apple, 1 x Orange, 1 tspn Spirulina and small piece of Pineapple.

4) Lemon Water – DRINK at least 8 glasses of filtered water with lemon wedge each day! MOST people walk around dehydrated and this one simple act will increase your energy.

5) Sunshine – 5 minutes each day – Extra Vitamin D3 supports
the immune/nervous and skeletal system and is a natural mood booster.

6) Weight Resistance – 5 minutes each morning of body weights to improve physical strength and endurance

7) Snack on Alkalising fruits and vegetables throughout the day – reduces the stress hormone Cortisol and increases vitamins and minerals to improve energy. Apple, dates, figs, grapes, raisins, berries, celery, carrots, cucumber, beets, are just a few examples.


You can also read: 5 Benefits of Grandma’s Chicken soup recipe

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